The Back Catalogue Of Video Game To Movie Adaptations


Super Mario Brothers, 1993

In 2020, we’re getting at least two films adaptations of long standing and much beloved video game franchises – first with SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog in February, followed by Capcom’s Monster Hunter in September.

Historically speaking, a console classic’s transition to the big screen has been a trying and fraught process. Unlike the written word, the interactive environment seems to be a sticking point when screenwriters try and pull together a great, timeless movie. The result of this difficulty is reflected in the back catalogue of game-to-film adaptations. In amongst the occasional success, there are many movies which induced ire in fans, disdain in critics, and a remarkable indifference from the non-gamer audiences on their initial release. Yet, over the years since their debuts, some have earned themselves quite the cult following.

In anticipation of the upcoming video game films, we’ve decided to have a rummage around in the video game films of yesteryear. There are some films here that actually hold up quite well, and then there are the others, with bizarre plots, hammy acting and questionable CGI, which can make for the perfect “so bad it’s good” guilty binge.

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