The Best 80s Movie T-Shirts


The Neverending Story

Shoulder pads, yuppies, and synthesiser key-tars, buddy-cops, time travellers, and adventurous kid-gangs – it’s time to commemorate the movies produced by the laissez-faire era of excess, cold war, and outrageous hair.

The 1980s had a lot to live up to in following the 70s, a decade that brought us many a cinematic masterpiece, with the likes of Jaws, Star Wars, The Godfather and Alien barely scratching the surface of its release catalogue. Thankfully the 80s did itself proud and, through a healthy mix of original titles and excellent sequels, provided some of the best ground-breaking comedy, fantasy, sci-fi, action, and horror movies of all time. Just think how different the modern landscape of film would look without Die Hard, TerminatorBlade Runner and The Shining

To celebrate the decade, we’ve brought together some of the best 80s movie tees available and they’re, like, totally bodacious – there’s movie poster prints and fan-only references from blockbuster smashes and cult classics alike. Take your pick.

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