The Best Animal-Related Logos


When it comes to branding and marketing, a logo stands as the visual keystone of a company’s identity. Logos serve as the face of a brand, succinctly communicating its essence to the consumer. Among the most powerful and memorable logos are those featuring animals. The choice of an animal in a logo isn’t arbitrary. Every creature, from a lion to a hummingbird, carries a set of cultural and emotional associations that can speak volumes about the brand it represents. Here, we’ll explore some of the best animal-related logos and the intrinsic qualities they bring to their respective companies.


When you think of an animal that symbolizes strength, courage, and leadership, the lion immediately comes to mind. This majestic creature is frequently used in logos, especially for companies that want to convey authority and majesty. Consider the logo of the luxury car manufacturer, Peugeot. The lion in their logo represents all these virtues, embodying the power and precision engineering behind their brand.

What makes this particular use of an animal in a logo so effective is the immediate emotional connection it forms with the audience. Without needing a lot of text or even a slogan, the lion tells you that this is a brand of substance, worthy of your trust.


Another captivating animal that has found its way into numerous logos is the horse. Horses are universally loved and respected for their power, grace, and speed. The Ferrari logo, with its prancing black stallion, encapsulates the car’s swiftness and luxury. However, another iconic logo in the automotive world is that of the Ford Mustang. The logo Mustang represents not just speed but also freedom and the spirit of the American dream. The tilted, galloping horse against a red, white, and blue backdrop captures the heart of America and the adventures that await on the open road.

As with the lion, the horse-based logos offer a natural affinity with the attributes of the products they represent. In the case of the Mustang, it effectively conveys the essence of a fast, free, and distinctly American lifestyle that has captivated drivers for generations.


Apart from the majestic creatures like lions and horses, domestic animals have also carved their niche in the world of logos. Cats and dogs bring to mind feelings of warmth, comfort, and companionship. They are popular choices for businesses centered around the home or personal care. One of the most memorable logos featuring domestic animals has to be the pets logo for various brands of pet food. These logos often feature a cute, eye-catching design with a smiling cat or dog, instantly signifying that the product is trusted and loved by our four-legged friends. Companies in the pet food industry know that these logos resonate deeply with pet owners, creating a sense of trust and belonging that is invaluable in building brand loyalty.


Animals in logos serve as powerful messengers. Whether it’s the strength of a lion, the speed of a horse, or the warmth of a domestic pet, each animal chosen in logo design contributes a complex array of emotional and cultural meanings. A well-designed, animal-related logo can become iconic, shaping how consumers perceive a brand for decades. From the majesty of Peugeot’s lion to the homely comfort evoked by the logo of pet food brands, the strategic use of animals in logos remains a compelling facet of brand identity. As such, the best animal-related logos are those that capture not just the eye but also the heart, leaving an indelible mark on the consumer’s psyche.

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