The Firing Squad


Peter Lone likes to live life in the fast lane.

He’s a drug runner, delivering cocaine worldwide, scoring millions of dollars. He drives a Ferrari, has a beautiful fiancée and a private jet.

He was warned before he went to Indonesia that the country has a zero-tolerance policy on drug-dealing. He was told he’d receive the death penalty if he got caught.

But Peter thinks he’s invincible. He’s been running drugs for five years now, and he’s never been caught—never even suspected.

Perhaps he should have listened when his partner, Morgan Davis, suggested they get out of the drug trade.

Now, Peter is stuck in a rundown prison in Bali. He has indeed been given a death sentence. And the president of Indonesia is refusing to grant him a pardon. The politician believes that if he releases Peter, it will send the wrong message to other drug dealers—that they’ll start bringing more drugs into the country under the assumption that they can just buy their way out of the death penalty, too.

Peter, for his part, certainly doesn’t want to die. But he’s oddly at peace about it.

Since he came to prison, Peter has lost his money, his car, his fiancée—even his best friend, Morgan, since the man was sent to a different prison. Now, he’s facing the reality of losing his life as well.

But it’s just like the Good Book says, sometimes you must lose your life to find it …

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