Average Ratings:2/5

Reviews Counted: 3
Positive: 1
Negative : 2

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Ratings:3/5 Review By:Gavin Rasquinha Site:TOI

Vin Diesel and subtlety don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. Accordingly, there are acrobatic battles with flaming swords, blazing shotguns and CGI ghouls aplenty. Caine and Wood dial in their performances but it’s Rose Leslie who is in form here; her character could have been explored in greater depth. Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets End Of Days and add a bit of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and the end result would probably come close to what Witch Hunter is somewhat about. That aside though, the special effects are noteworthy and then of course, there are Vin Diesel’s heroics, which comprise the two reasons why you’d probably watch this one.

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Ratings:1/5 Review By:Shalini Langer Site:Indian Express

For Vin Diesel to start at one end of that trajectory and appear unscathed at the other is par for the course. Now imagine him as witch hunter Kaulder, with special powers and immortality. Witch, witches, or witch queen €” which has a chance?

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Ratings:2/5 Review By:Troy Riberio Site:NDTV

The script written by Cory Goodman, Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, has a jumbled storyline – the curse, “Cursed with immortality” and the clue – “Remember your death” can confuse the viewers.The dialogues are off the cuff and occasionally lead nowhere and the pace of the narration is tediously slow. While the graph of the characters is flat, this film is Diesel’s canvas. As Kauder, he is in every frame but unfortunately he fails to leave an impact either with his performance or action.

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