The Union



Working for a union has both its drawbacks and perks. On one hand, you probably won’t get as many vacation days as you want. On the other, you might get better dental coverage.

But working for the Union—that is, the super-secret intelligence agency—has its drawbacks and perks, too. One day, you’re getting shot at and thrown into a car trunk. The next, you’re thwarting international terrorist plans.

As a construction worker, Mike has a lot of experience with the former. But when his high school sweetheart, Roxanne, walks back into his life, he’s introduced to the latter.

Half the world’s intelligence agencies don’t know about the Union, Roxanne tells Mike. The other half regret finding out. And instead of Ivy-League-educated operatives, the Union is made up of former blue-collar workers. They have street smarts, not book smarts. They know how to get things done because nobody has ever handed them anything in life. And their most valuable asset is the ability to fly under the radar and blend into any crowd.

Unfortunately, Roxanne’s most recent mission for the Union failed. A hard drive containing information about every Western-allied intelligence agent, military officer and cop was stolen. And now, a woman known as the “Auctioneer” is planning to sell it to the highest bidder.

Because Roxanne and her comrades have been exposed, she needs a “nobody” to pose as an interested party to get the intel back.

Enter Mike.

Sure, he might not have combat training, hacking skills or years of espionage under his belt, but Roxanne knows she can count on Mike. He’s the guy who always tries to do the right thing. He’s stable. Reliable.

And boy, is he a nobody.

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