Thirteen Anti-Valentine’s Day Films: A Sceptic’s Guide


Gone Girl

The 14th February 2020 – just another Friday to some, but the inevitable Valentine’s Day to many, many more. On this day of devotion and passion, the hopeless romantics of the nation rejoice with roses, garish gifts and amorous glances exchanged over cheap Italian two-for-one meal deals.

While these lovesick puppies enjoy the day, there are others who are filled with nothing but cynical displeasure. Headaches are induced from having to ceaselessly roll their eyes at the endless PDAs, cliché cards and social media declarations of love. An aversion to the day of love isn’t exclusive to the single, self-partnered, or recently spurned, even those in happy, healthy relationships can find themselves in a sceptical headspace thanks to the obscene showmanship of it all.

So, what can you do if you’re not a fan of old St. V’s day? All of your favourite restaurants are fully booked, and all your friends are on dates, what option do you have? The option to watch a thoroughly anti-Valentine’s Day film, that’s what.

All of the movies in our Sceptic’s Guide take on the topic of love from an alternate angle – they certainly won’t be found amongst Empire‘s top 50 romantic movies and they’re not so interested in the “happily ever after” side of things. Take your pick, pour yourself a glass of wine and prepare to feel thoroughly unromantic.

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