Tim Burton To Direct Attack Of The 50Ft Woman Remake With Gillian Flynn Scripting


Tim Burton, Gillian Flynn
Apparently today has been deemed Tim Burton News Day. Hot on the heels of the Beetlejuice sequel announcement comes word that the director is attached to remake 1958 cult classic Attack Of The 50Ft WomanGone Girl writer Gillian Flynn is on board to write the script.

Warner Bros. is backing the new movie, which will take on the sci-fi concept anew. The original, directed by Nathan Hertz and made for a reported $88K, starred Allison Hayes as an abused socialite who grows to giant size because of an alien encounter and an aborted murder attempt. She goes after her cheating husband with revenge on her mind.

It certainly sounds like something Burton can have fun with, and Flynn is no stranger to stories of complicated male/female dynamics.

This isn’t the first time the movie has been through the remake factory – it was turned into a 1993 comedy TV movie version, with Daryl Hannah starring and Christoper Guest directing.

The new take will likely have to wait until Burton is finished with any directorial duties on Season 2 of Wednesday.

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