I first saw Bladerunner in 1997. It was the directors cut and on VHS ( for those that don’t know what that is…).  It blew my mind. I then bought the CD ( – thats just a joke..) and was entranced by the Vangelis soundtrack, possibly even more than the film.  Additionally, the debate that it leaves you with at the end, much like Angels with Dirty Faces, is something that I’ve enjoyed discussing over the years.

That’s all a round about way of explaining, that for me, Bladerunner is ‘one of those films‘.

So the news that Ridley Scott was progressing a sequel came as frankly, worrying news to me. I want the characters to be left alone, for fear of a story that ruins the end of the original.  Earlier this year, I wrote a post about the idea that films can be made that not only can be bad, but actually damage the earlier film (or films) on which they were based.

I’m serious. Imagine they’d made a sequel to Casablanca in the early 50’s where the plane at the end crashes and Ingrid Bergman’s character has died. It would genuinely impact how you view the original forever.

So. Scott’s new Bladerunner, directed by Denis Villeneuve. The trailer is out. It includes Ryan Gosling (who I think is brilliant). It includes Harrison Ford (who certainly used to be brilliant, but has a mixed record of recent sequels – I’m looking at you Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).

Here’s the new trailer. Nothing wrong with it, but I’ll be honest. I’m terrified.

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