UNICORN ACADEMY is an animated Netflix series that follows the adventures of a group of students at a magical school for unicorn riders tasked with protecting the world from evil. The first three episodes of UNICORN ACADEMY are well-made and entertaining, with high production value. Viewers will enjoy the humor, engaging storylines, and excellent animation style. Episodes One, Two, and Three have a strong moral worldview, with the riders dedicated to fighting evil and helping each other. One character, Layla, always carries around a magic book. Episode One also features some Romantic elements, with characters discussing the fairies’ abilities to “change your destiny.” 


Overall, UNICORN ACADEMY features a moral worldview, with storylines that feature characters helping each other, working to fight evil, and apologizing and receiving forgiveness for their mistakes. The riders are dedicated to fighting for good and helping each other. Episode One features a redemptive scene of forgiveness. UNICORN ACADEMY’s first three episodes don’t feature foul language or nudity. However, each episode centers around the unicorns’ magical powers, and some scenes feature mild peril, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger viewers.


(O, Ro, V, BB, M): 

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:

Strong moral worldview that promotes helping others, forgiving people for their mistakes, and being a good friend. However, each episode features the riders’ unicorns’ magical powers. One character, Layla, always carries around a magic book. Episode One also features some Romantic elements, with characters discussing the fairies’ abilities to “change your destiny”; 

Foul Language:

Characters joke about a baby unicorn’s poop in Episode Two, in the same episode a character jokes that “puberty” is why they are acting suspiciously; 


A few scenes of moderate action. In Episode One, Isabel falls from a high cliff and hurts her ankle. In the same episode, a unicorn rider accidentally causes a tidal wave that threatens to overtake the riders. Episode Two features a masked figure who uses fire powers to escape the riders, as well as a scary scene of alligators circling a baby unicorn and one of the riders; 





Alcohol Use:


Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:

None; and, 

Miscellaneous Immorality:

A girl blames her unicorn for her injury and ignores him, a boy attempts to steal a unicorn from another rider, the riders lie to their teachers about having a baby unicorn on campus 


UNICORN ACADEMY is an animated Netflix series that follows the adventures of a group of students at a magical school for unicorn riders tasked with protecting the world from evil. Their bonds with their unicorns allow them to use magic and fight evil. In Episode One, an accident leaves Isabel injured, threatening her and her unicorn’s bond, and she blames her unicorn. Episode Two follows the riders as they go camping and learn how new unicorns are born. In Episode Three, a baby unicorn wreaks havoc on campus while Sophia tries to learn more about her father’s mysterious disappearance.

In Episode One of UNICORN ACADEMY, the riders — Sophia, Ava, Isabel, Valentina, Layla, and Rory — are preparing to celebrate the Fairy Moon. They set out to forage for unique flowers for the celebration, and Isabel wants to collect the most. Her competitive streak causes her to make a dangerous decision and ride her unicorn, River, on a cliff. When she falls and hurts her ankle, she blames River.

While the rest of the riders prepare for the night’s masquerade ball, a hooded stranger enters the island and attempts to capture wild unicorns. When his efforts fail, he heads to the ball, where he meets Isabel and learns about her rift with River. He leads River to the Fate Fairy Island, breaking Isabel and River’s bond and forcing the unicorn to bond with him. The riders follow and break the bond with River. Isabel apologizes to River and restores their bond.

Episode Two follows the riders as they head off on a camping trip. While in the forest, they see a star fall from the Unicorn Constellation. After riding to where the star fell, the riders discover falling stars from that constellation turn into baby unicorns. When Sophia and Ava set off to find another baby unicorn, they discover a masked stranger trying to capture the baby. They scare the stranger off and save the baby.

In Episode Three, Ava reunites with the baby unicorn she and Sophia saved in the previous episode. Their teachers have warned the riders not to interact with the babies, as they are wild and need to live in the forest. However, Ava tries to keep the baby unicorn on campus but eventually returns it to the forest after encouragement from her friends. Sophia learns more about the Unicorn Constellation in the episode and how it might connect to her father’s mysterious disappearance.

The first three episodes of UNICORN ACADEMY are well-made and entertaining, with high production value. Viewers will enjoy the humor, engaging storylines, and excellent animation style. Episodes One, Two, and Three have a strong moral worldview, with the riders dedicated to fighting evil and helping each other. Episode One also features a redemptive scene of forgiveness. UNICORN ACADEMY’s first three episodes do not feature foul language or nudity.

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